Can Vision Therapy Benefit A Child With a Learning Disability?

For decades, vision therapy has been [recognized] as an effective treatment for children with visual problems like strabismus (crossed eyes), amblyopia (lazy eye), and visual processing disorders.

Studies show that many children with learning disabilities also have visual issues that can make it even more difficult to learn. And sometimes, visual problems are misdiagnosed as ADHD or a learning disability because they share some of the same symptoms.

To determine whether your child has a visual problem in addition to a learning disability – or whether that visual problem is mimicking a learning disability – schedule a functional vision test with Vision Therapy Center at The Solution Center of Professional VisionCare in Lewis Center. If the problem is visual, vision therapy will get to the root of the issue and help your child excel in school.

What Is A Learning Disability?

Learning disabilities are neurological disorders that affect a child’s ability to process and understand information.

When a child is diagnosed with a learning disability, they may find it difficult to write, read, pay attention, remember things, stay [organized], and do maths.

Problems with the visual system share many of these symptoms. When a child’s eyes can’t function as a team, for example, it makes it extremely hard to read, concentrate in school and do homework. Children can become frustrated and act out in school.

Fortunately, vision therapy can address problems with visual skills and visual processing.

What Is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is a treatment program that is designed to help improve visual skills like focusing, eye tracking, visual speed processing, eye-hand coordination, and eye teaming. This is done through the use of filters, prisms, lenses, and eye exercises which strengthen the brain’s connection to the eyes.

By taking your child to vision therapy, you’ll be able to treat vision problems that may be mistaken for a learning disability.

What Visual Problems Does Vision Therapy Treat?

One way vision therapy benefits children that have been diagnosed with a learning disability is by addressing visual processing disorders. These types of disorders impact how the brain processes visual information, which results in problems with writing, reading, and retaining information.

Vision therapy is also helpful for improving poor eye tracking and eye teaming skills, which make it difficult to focus for long periods. It will allow a child to track text and moving objects in an easier way.

Children who struggle with coordination and spatial awareness can also benefit from vision therapy, allowing them to participate in activities like art and sports, which are also important for socializing with their peers.

Book A Vision Therapy Consultation in Lewis Center

Although vision therapy can’t cure learning disabilities, it can improve underlying vision issues that may be contributing to your child’s struggles in school and on the sports field.

If you suspect that your child may be struggling with a learning disability, make sure to also have them assessed for visual problems. Schedule a functional eye exam at Vision Therapy Center at The Solution Center of Professional VisionCare today!

Our practice serves patients from Lewis Center, Westerville, Johnstown, and Northeast Columbus, Ohio and surrounding communities.

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