Color Vision Clinic

Color Vision Clinic

In Lewis Center & The Solution Center

Color. It affects every part of our lives. Color is emotional, experiential, and tactical. It gives art life. It entices us to eat certain foods and buy certain jewelry, and sometimes it literally defines these things. We also use color to interpret information such as signs and lights.

Who Does

This Clinic Help?

  • Approximately 4.4% of the population is color blind.

  • Patients are often called color blind but a better term is color deficient. 99% of people with a color problem have a color deficiency.

  • There is an eye disease call achromatopsia which is very rare, these people only see the world in black and white. These people will not be helped with our color vision clinic.

What Symptoms

Does This Clinic Help Treat?

  • Those that we can help will see colors more vibrant.

  • Children that are color deficient often confuse colors on board games and have difficulty learning colors in school.

  • Adults with color deficiency may have difficulty telling the difference between green and red on a stop light. Stop lights that are horizontal instead of vertical may cause great difficulty for a color deficient person and could be dangerous.

Who Will Benefit

From This Clinic?

  • 1 in 12 men are color deficient

  • 1 in 200 women are color deficient

  • There are three main types of color vision deficiency: protan, deutan, and tritan defects.

  • 99% of all color deficient people are suffering from red-green color deficiency.

  • Red-green color blindness is a combination of red-blindness (protan defects) and green-blindness (deutan defects).

  • Severity of color blindness is usually divided into the following four categories: slightly, moderate, strong, and absolute.

  • Colored lenses or glasses can improve color discrimination but cannot give normal color vision.

  • “What color is this?” is the most annoying question you can ask your color deficient friend.

  • Many color deficient people have problems with matching clothes and buying ripe bananas.

  • Strongly color blind people might only be able to tell about 20 hues apart from each other, with normal color vision this number raises to more than 100 different hues.

  • Red-green color deficiency is a sex-linked hereditary condition.

  • If a woman is red-green color deficient, all her sons will also be color deficient

  • A father can’t pass his red-green color blindness on to his sons.

  • Color deficient people feel handicapped in everyday life, and almost nobody recognizes this.

To watch videos of people seeing vibrant color for the time, click on this link: