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Millions of schoolchildren are studying at home in coronavirus-dictated on-line classes. While squinting at the blackboard is less common for now, remote learning presents students […]
The American Academy of Pediatrics (APA) recently published a policy statement (opinion piece) about visual problems that can arise after a child suffers a concussion, […]
Brain scans show that up to 80% of the sensory input that the brain receives comes through vision. In fact, no other sense takes up […]
Some people mistakenly believe that wearing glasses weakens our eyesight. While glasses correct vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, they cause our eyesight to […]
A vision problem may directly impact a child’s performance in the classroom and on the sports field, negatively affecting self-esteem and confidence levels. Given that […]
As children grow, their vision becomes increasingly relevant to their academic and social success. For example, children who have difficulty reading due to a visual […]
Does your child have difficulty paying attention in school or show signs of problems? If so, he or she may have been diagnosed with ADHD—but […]
Amblyopia, commonly known as ‘lazy eye,’ is a neuro-developmental vision condition that begins in early childhood, usually before the age of 8. Lazy eye develops […]
Students of all ages can struggle with focusing and learning problems that can impede their academic success. What many don’t know is that an estimated […]
Strabismus, more commonly referred to as “cross-eye” or “eye turn,” is a condition where the eyes don’t point in the same direction. While many people […]